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The Five Frames- Presentation One

The Five Frames- Presentation One

​The first professional development session explains Bolman and Deal’s Four Frame Model as it applies to special education with the addition of a fifth frame developed by my doctoral cohort. This session describes the role of the special education teacher in regard to IDEA within and outside the classroom. Additionally, this session clarifies specially designed instruction, IEPs, accommodations, modifications, and how this all works together within the classroom setting. The session also discusses the role of the special education paraprofessional within the classroom and the chain of command they follow when working in a classroom. This session will then discuss the importance of successfully fostering inclusion in the classroom and ensuring all children have free access to public education (FAPe) addressing the importance of viewing students who require special education services first as full members of the regular education classroom and second as students who need special education services.

Annotated Bibliography

Information and Articles relating to Bolman and Deal’s Four Frame Model, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Special Education Regulations. 

Lesson Plan Template

This Lesson Plan Template is for General Education and Special Education teachers and combines Co-teaching and Universal Design for Learning Principles.

Lesson Plan Exemplar

An example lesson plan for General Education and Special Education teachers combines Co-teaching and Universal Design for Learning Principles.

Lesson Plan Explanation Voiced Over

A powerpoint slide explaining how to use the lesson plan. 

Article: The Fifth Frame

This article was written by my doctoral cohort and published in The New England College Journal of Applied Educational Research (JAER). This article describes a unifying frame that would serve as a tuning fork enabling anyone utilizing Lee Bolman and Terry Deal's four-frame model of organizational change to refocus their interpretation of a complex issue more cohesively. We called this fifth frame Eudemonia after Aristotle’s concept of Eudaimonia from his philosophical work on the 'Science of Happiness.’




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